Sunday, August 8, 2010

Hand-written letter August 5, 2010

Transcribed from a hand-written letter from Elder Galbraith, continuing on from his e-mail of 8/5/2010.

I have times where I feel like looking back longingly, other times I look forward to the mission with much anxiousness. I do know that developing a love for the people is key to being excited. I do get very excited when I teach! I realize that being excited to teach is everything. I should teach like the gospel is everything to me because it is. It is such a blessing and has kept me anchored down (as far as morals go).

As I said in the e-mail, read “Preach My Gospel”! Let me say it again . . . READ “PREACH MY GOSPEL” every day in some sort. Look up scriptures, understand and apply them to your life. I feel impressed to share that by reading “Preach My Gospel” you can find answers you need, whether it be Dad’s questions with work, or anything.

Anyway, to the things you want to hear about that I neglected to include in the e-mail. I am scheduled to leave for Winnipeg on Aug. 18, a Wednesday I believe. I dunno, they don’t tell us days of the week here. Everything begins to blend together. Here in the MTC I only have 2 P-days, just today and next Thursday. I only have ½ hour e-mail time here, but I hear it’s an hour in the field. Thank goodness.

Well, I don’t feel I have lost my personality here – yet. I do know that I will be so weird around girls when I return though. Dang it.

Oh, so far as contacting me, anyone can e-mail me at but I can only e-mail you [that’s Mom and Dad]. So maybe put a few points like that from this letter onto the blog. Also, e-mailing me is . . . well, I discourage it while in the MTC because it cuts down from time I could be writing. Just use or actual letter while I am in the MTC due to time constraints.

I am growing spiritually. Probably some mentally too. Had a humbling experience as far as obedience goes and staying with my companion. Too long to write, but I am now the most obedient elder ever. Doing my best to obtain Christ-like attributes – they go far. Also, getting to know that the Spirit oftentimes is not manifest by a tingling or warmth, but also by calm. I prayed to have a reassurance of the truth of the gospel and was not immediately given the answer. I was frustrated, but got my witness the next day. I have learned that it is a missionary’s attitude that determines success, thus my continual excitement and exuberance.

I have found that I take pride (do not know if good or bad pride here) in being a silent, behind-the-scenes leader. I am not the District Leader, thank goodness, but people have expressed their thanks in me “being there” for them and someone to talk to. So maybe share this letter with Callens – he won’t be surprised there. And tell him to write me!

I need to wrap it up here, but my companion, Elder Mitton is a musical / drama type. He loves talking, singing, and leading discussions. So that makes 2 talkers and slight disagreements in some teaching, but we work out everything very well and get along fairly well too. Anyway, love you so much!

Elder Galbraith

Oh ya, I pray on average about 20 times per day! Holy Cow!

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